Hello, it is to install 14 lamps with their sockets which I will order https://www.galaxus.ch/en/s14/product/schaum-e27-insulated-ceiling-socket-pure-white-2-pcs-lighting-accessories-22716031?supplier=3964106. Thank you
Hello, we talked a while ago. I am sorry I did not reply to your last message, I was away. I would like if possible that you can to install the lamps (14 total) in my home in Fribourg for the price you had asked (40 h per hour). Is it please possible to book it for this Friday? Thank you
Hello, we talked a while ago. I am sorry I did not reply to your last message, I was away. I would like if possible that you can to install the lamps (14 total) in my home in Fribourg for the price you had asked (40 h per hour). Is it please possible to book it for this Friday? Thank you
Le trou au plafond est plus grand que le cache de la lampe que j'ai achetée... du coup j'ai prévu un carré de 20x20 en plastique qu'il faudrait percer pour laisser passer les fils
Bonjour, nous emménageons bientôt dans notre nouvel appartement et aurions besoin d’une personne pour poser 8 luminaires. Merci par avance. Aussi possible le mardi 3 janvier 2023.