Hello, it is to install 14 lamps with their sockets which I will order https://www.galaxus.ch/en/s14/product/schaum-e27-insulated-ceiling-socket-pure-white-2-pcs-lighting-accessories-22716031?supplier=3964106. Thank you
Hello, we talked a while ago. I am sorry I did not reply to your last message, I was away. I would like if possible that you can to install the lamps (14 total) in my home in Fribourg for the price you had asked (40 h per hour). Is it please possible to book it for this Friday? Thank you
Hello, we talked a while ago. I am sorry I did not reply to your last message, I was away. I would like if possible that you can to install the lamps (14 total) in my home in Fribourg for the price you had asked (40 h per hour). Is it please possible to book it for this Friday? Thank you
Bonjour, nous emménageons bientôt dans notre nouvel appartement et aurions besoin d’une personne pour poser 8 luminaires. Merci par avance. Aussi possible le mardi 3 janvier 2023.