Toutes nos annonces de pet sitting à Gland

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Découvrez nos 3190 annonces de pet sitting à Gland

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Devenez Jobber

    Besoin q la personne vienne une heure par jour a lá maison, nourrir et jouer avec notre chaton maine coon de 8 mois...
    Genève (1205)
    Lausanne (1004)
    Lausanne (1004)
    Genève (1207)
    Genève (1205)
    Thônex (1226)
    De environ 17h30 à 00h30
    Perroy (1166)
    Châtel-Saint-Denis (1618)
    De environ 17h30-00h30
    Perroy (1166)
    Perroy (1166)
    Vernier (1219)
    Hello Me and my husband have 3 cats He has best friends wedding in ireland Can you help us to give them wet food and play a little One hour a day for 3 days Sorry we dont speak french My husband work for msc cruises we recently moved here You can call me I dont know what details you need White cat is Zoro she likes to hang around byherself doesnt like cuddle Orange cat is lucky boy he likes talking andand grey one is Jojo two of them like to hang around and more playfull
    Genève (1208)
    Bonjour, Notre chat Moustache, agé de 4 mois bientàt, aura besoin d)un gentil visiteur le 12 et 13 juillet. Petits calins, nourrissage seront demandés. Seriez vous disponible ?
    Vevey (1800)
    Genève (1205)
    Hi there! Looking for someone to take care of Calvin (our australian sheppherd 5 month old puppy) from Friday morning to Sunday night- Calvin is still a puppy therefore cannot be left alone for longer than 4 hours and needs to be taken out about every 3 hours depending on how much water he drinks. He can only do about 35 minutes of walking per day and he loves to play with his toys and cuddle with you!! He is a super sweet boy and would appreciate someone with puppy experience :)
    Genève (1205)